About Kolibri Forensics

I got this message in my inbox.


I came across your Commonwealth Air Training Plan blog while working on a project and I wanted to say thank you.  The nonprofit I work (Kolibri Forensics) for is trying to put together a list of all aircraft lost in North America where the crews (and/or passengers) were not recovered.  We are hoping to use the information to help locate the aircraft crash sites and work with the government (Canadian, Australian, New Zealander, or American as the case might be) to recover and repatriate these fallen heroes.

It has been a real pain in the rear to try to match Commonwealth personnel unaccounted for to the aircraft they were on.  A couple of these were able to be linked up using information from your blog.  Thank you for that.

By the way, if you have any interest in helping to match the rest of the missing aircrew members to their aircraft, you’re welcome to help us out.  I figure someone with your breadth of knowledge on the subject would be a good addition to our team.



Stephen L. Richey

Executive Director/Chief Forensic Specialist
Kolibri Forensics
